How do you support teachers in doing this? Do parents get involved with children reading these books at home? How often do teachers read to children? Download the Deep Dive preparation sheet HERE. Preparing for the Ofsted Reading Deep Dive The Reading Audit. After our presentation, we will get right into the preparation activities with a Reading Deep Dive into the history passage (passage 2) from Practice Test 5, which students should print out (or at least have available for viewing) before the start of the event. What support is in place for these children to catch up? ( Log Out / What do you do to engage children in reading? INSPECTION Deep Dive – Phonics Questions to English/Phonics Leader: • In a nutshell, how you ensure that the teaching of early reading is prioritised? The reading deep dive is a mandatory part of the new inspections in these schools. NB: It is not set in stone that they will ask these specific questions. When? This annotated set of alides accompanies the audio presentation (to the immediate right), providing details on the flow and content of a Deep Dive Review presentation. Prepare for a ‘Deep Dive into Reading’ by carrying out a simple audit of reading across school. Early Reading and Phonics Deep Dive: • How is reading prioritised in our school? A Framework for Assessing Curriculum Intent, FREE maths resources to help prepare for Y6 SATs. This is a list of questions OFSTED could potentially ask during a reading deep dive. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Deep Dive: Existential Essays for Personal Transformation. So, what does this mean for me? registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion What I hope to do with from this blog post, is a set of thoughts and questions to support teachers to use when being inspected or developing ‘deep dive’ methods. The Deep Dive cannot answer every question and provide a flawless roadmap but it can set a stronger foundation than the traditional requirements gathering process does. Caregiving is something that comes naturally to me and that I love to do. If you’re reading this and work in a primary, junior, infant or lower middle school, you should be aware that the new EIF includes a reading deep dive. What is your favourite book you’ve read at school this year? It includes questions for subject leads, questions around phonics and questions children could be asked. Use this deep dive SEF for reading to help your educational setting to prepare for an Ofsted deep dive. What is the intent of your reading provision, how is your vision for reading implemented and how is its impact assessed? An Ofsted inspection of any school, primary or secondary, will now include ‘deep dives’ into particular subjects or areas (e.g. How do you make sure early reading is a priority? As part of the new Ofsted framework for 2019, all schools will be subject to a ‘deep dive’ into their reading provision, which involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact of the subject in collaboration with leaders, teachers and pupils. Reading will always be included in a deep dive in primary inspection, but the remaining subjects are decided on an individual basis. NB: It is not set in stone that they will ask these specific questions. Plurals - more than one answer Tentativeness - might, could, may... Invitational - approachable voice, plural forms, Non-dichotomous stems - not yes/no Attend Fully/Positive Intent - be a good listener, use wait time Positive This involved three 2. If you pick, how do you choose them? Insite the SitePages folder, there will be one folder … Do they get to change them independently? Is there reading homework? Leadership – how do we turn a vision into reality? Plurals - more than one answer Tentativeness - might, could, may... Invitational - approachable voice, plural forms, Non-dichotomous stems - not yes/no Attend Fully Deep dives – every inspector will conduct a deep dive into reading, as well as four–six other subject areas in collaboration with senior leaders. How do you ensure children build strong phonics knowledge? Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. "The Deep Dive" Video Response Questions 1. Our mission is built on helping children learn to read and love to read. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. And although shorter and friendly Oftsed reports are already being published, the emerging mood from colleagues working in our primary schools is mixed. How often do children change these books? Not much has been said about writing deep dives, so if anyone has anything to add please let me know. How do you make sure that when teachers are reading it is engaging for children? This deep dive is a mandatory part of the new inspections in primary, junior, infant and lower middle schools. • How do you support teachers to Read on as I delve into one such ‘deep dive’ which will be a part of all primary inspections: reading. This is all guesswork, but it is a guideline for you to help you prepare for a deep dive into reading. In this 1-hour deep-dive discussion, Lily and Ayla will tackle these questions and counseling scenarios. Do they pick or do you pick? From 2 – 8 June 2020 and 14 – 17 July 2020, the UN Countering Terrorist Travel Programme*, conducted two virtual deep-dive assessment missions to … Questions that Ofsted asked a subject leader during a Deep Dive conversation during their recent Ofsted It’s not just about the knowledge and skills that the children retain. Learning Walk Planner – usually the reading deep dive starts with an inspector accompanying the subject leader on a learning walk. What about afterwards in Year 2? Deep Diving into the English Curriculum. The Deep Dive This is a more intense version of the Break-Through reading. You’ll be asked generic questions for all subjects, with some more specific questions thrown in too. Hope they help. What are you trying to improve upon? It includes questions for subject leads, questions around phonics and questions children could be asked. As part of a deep dive into reading, it is important to plan out the long-term progression of skills throughout KS1 and KS2 within word reading and reading comprehension. These PDF and editable documents will help English subject leaders to track progression, to recap skills through retrieval practice with year groups and to assess children's progress. Keep smiling and knowing you’re all amazing! (read with children here potentially). Use this essay to discuss the following questions. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Deep dive: then, a ‘deep dive’, which involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of subjects, topics or aspects. General questions for subject leaders: How do you make sure And for how long? Inspectors will Deep Dive reading in all schools. Conditions. The initial meeting was to discuss my scheme of work and subject report, a document each department produces annually outlining our intent, implementation and impact, which had already been read by the inspector. Change ), The Literacy of Numeracy Part 1: KS2 Maths SATs Language Analysis. Does your teacher read aloud to you? I can only speak of my experience but hopefully will be able to provide insight into what to expect from a ‘deep dive’ under the current framework. What impact does this new process have on workload? This is done in collaboration with leaders, teachers and 10. • Deep Dive areas were fully identified. As this has a more detailed focus on the teaching of early reading and how children’s books form part of that process, we have been taking lots of calls from teachers here at Badger Learning. Socratic Seminar Norms How do we build questions? Questions for the subject lead How are they supported to use phonics in their teaching? Is sending reading books home a whole school thing? The phrase ‘deep dive’ is the latest new terminology to come out of OFSTED’s focus on the curriculum and how it is planned and delivered. How many sounds will your children know by the end of the term? The intent of the deep dive is to seek to interrogate and establish a coherent evidence base on quality of education. • How often to teachers read to children? What is your termly plan for what you want children to know with phonics leading up to the screening check? A deep dive will be carried out in reading during every primary school inspection. How much time do children spend learning phonics? Although it may look quite similar to dove deep there is a subtle semantic difference between this and deep-dived . Pupils asking and answering questions is a key part of their learning. Subject Deep Dives typically take the format below: The resource packs can be used in twilight … 9 Deep dive: then, a ‘deep dive’, which involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of subjects, topics or aspects. So in an interview, you want to be able to answer the “Dive Deep” questions and also the “Bias for Action” questions well, so that you paint a picture of yourself as someone who can make a plan and act on it (I cover how to answer the “Bias to Action” questions in another article). How do you know which children are not on track? Ofsted deep dive questions Here are some questions Ofsted inspectors might ask SLT, curriculum leaders and teachers when doing a deep dive into a particular subject: What curriculum do you follow/have in place? What Is An Ofsted Deep Dive? When do you start teaching phonics? Rather the evidence from four to six deep dives enable inspectors to form hypotheses about which factors are systemic – that is, relate to the quality of education provided by the school as a whole’. The EIF clearly states that ‘inspectors must focus on how well pupils are taught to read as a main inspection activity’. That’s why we have developed the Reading Audit in collaboration with an independent literacy consultant. Think about where we are in the year now – Where are the children up to? Age-appropriate? ... classroom, or word mats for the pupils to have in their books at the start of each topic. Why then? Why What books have you taken home? Deep Dive into Reading Audit and Crib Sheet Prepare for a ‘Deep Dive into Reading’ by carrying out a simple audit of reading across school. Comprehensive set of Ofsted Deep Dive for Computing Questions According to Ofsted the aim of the deep dive “ is to allow inspectors to gather the evidence necessary to form an accurate evaluation of how education flows from intention to implementation to impact within a school “. Sample other areas of education within the school to probe questions that have emerged as a result of the deep-dive work With the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF) now firmly in place, Maggie Parker, looks at the key questions around ‘deep dives’ and the responsibilities which fall on subject and senior leaders. Year 3? Reading – Deep Dive Questions. I hope the questions that follow put yourself in a stronger position Tes Global Ltd is The new Ofsted framework 2019 means that every inspected school will be subject to a deep dive into reading. 10/10/2019. What books do children take home? The reading deep dive is a mandatory part of the new inspections in these schools. Free resources. ‘A deep dive does not lead to a judgement about that particular subject. Decades ago I understood the intricacies of AAA on Cisco IOS. This is all guesswork, but it is a guideline for you to help you prepare for a deep dive into reading. This is done in collaboration with leaders, teachers and pupils. How do you ensure children are fluent and accurate readers? Content is deep linked, so you will be redirected to the version of that page in French Q: Where are pages created / what is the general information architecture for SharePoint Online Multilingual? This 40 minute audio briefing describes the flow and content of the Deep Dive Review materials you'll … Questions that Ofsted might ask during reading deep dives. Do you have more than one question that needs to be addressed? Is your question a complex one? If they need improvement, what do you plan on doing to make results better? ( Log Out / Middle Leaders Ofsted support. We have put together a series of questions relating to intent, implementation and impact. Stig of the Dump Character Profile Example, Feature Sheets & Answers, Language for Literature Series Two Scheme of Work Sample Pages, AQA English Language GCSE Paper 1: Narrative and Descriptive Writing Tasks. This deep dive is a mandatory part of the new inspections in primary, junior, infant and lower middle schools. In class and at home? This reading will provide an […] Worth Reading: AAA Deep Dive on Cisco Devices These days I wing it and keep throwing spaghetti at the virtual wall until something sticks and I can log in (after all, it’s all in a lab, and I’m interested in routing protocols not interactions with TACACS+ server). Reading Deep Dive Course for Primary Subject Leaders and SLT. What is your action plan for developing reading this year? This list has been formulated based on what I think they might ask in line with the new framework and what other teachers have reported from their inspections under the new framework. With older children, how do you know they are reading at home? Deep Dive Questions and Answers – very detailed and comprehensive answers to all of the questions the subject leader is likely to encounter during the reading deep dive. The focus of the deep dive will be on how staff do their job and how leaders support them, and if there is a … This list has been created based on what other teachers have shared on Twitter and Facebook of their experiences during inspections. Reading Questions. An Ofsted inspection of any school, primary or secondary, will now include ‘deep dives’ into particular subjects or areas (e.g. How much? Deep dives – every inspector will conduct a deep dive into reading in collaboration with senior leaders. Use the question prompts in the crib sheet to investigate each area and the possible next steps to inform improvement planning. • The inspector will check reading books to ensure that they match to the sounds that children are being taught. These days I wing it and keep throwing spaghetti at the virtual wall until something sticks and I can log in (after all, it’s all in a lab, and I’m interested in routing protocols not interactions with TACACS+ server). As a subject leader or as a class teacher, you might be asked to contribute to a deep dive. What about in key stage 2? Do you parents know you have reading books that you take home. A deep dive into 120 executions reveals the erratic ways Texas, the US deals justice Tom Meagher , THE MARSHALL PROJECT Feb. 12, 2021 Updated: Feb. 12, 2021 8:59 a.m. This is a list of questions OFSTED could potentially ask during a reading deep dive. “Each deep dive will typically focus on a sample of four to six subjects, looking at a wide variety of pupils in different year groups across that sample.” Ofsted 2019 The day will give you the time & direction to draw up a personalised plan. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Below is a list of questions OFSTED may ask your literacy or reading lead, as well as pupils and class teachers. How are the lowest 20% supported with reading? Do your parents read with you? Firstly, any conversation about curriculum, moving away from data and a less ‘high-stakes’ feel about the whole process is of course, welcome. Are your KS2 teachers phonics trained? How do you ensure children’s books that you use help children to practise the sounds they have learnt? Physical Education deep dive preparation questions relating to intent, implementation and impact. Ofsted deep dives are a key part of the new Ofsted Inspection Framework’s curriculum focus. We’re going to tease apart obstacles, blockages, and self-limiting fears that are preventing you from living your best life. Before and during the observations, the subject leader or (if you don’t have one) the headteacher or senior leaders will be asked a series of questions in relation to what you would typically see in a lesson observation. In terms of reducing or increasing workload, the jury is still out. Inspectors will look at 7 aspects of early reading , as set out … Interview Questions Related to the “Dive Deep” Leadership Principle If your interviewer asks about this leadership principle, she or he might ask one of the following questions: Give me an example of when you used data to make a decision/solve a problem. Use the question prompts in the crib sheet to investigate each area and the possible next steps to inform improvement planning. The overarching aim for English in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. 25 in stock. Leave with tangible, practical tools to make your counseling easier and … How do you improve children’s reading fluency? How do you help parents to foster a love of reading at home? What Is An Ofsted Deep Dive? How to Answer Questions Related to the "Dive Deep" Principle Question: Tell me about a time you performed an analysis that that resulted in process … Science or EYFS) which Ofsted will choose and inform you of prior to the inspection. If you’re a subject or phase lead (or similar), use our list of questions Ofsted inspectors have asked middle leaders about the curriculum to help you prepare for the more high-level questions about intent, implementation and impact. Some subjects are chosen if they are a priority for development, or even a strength of the school. It’s about your role as subject leader and your knowledge of the entire curriculum for your subject Each section and task has comprehensive instructions about how to complete. There may be repetition among them as there is a lot of overlap and some may be rewording of others. If parents can’t read themselves, how are you supporting them to help their child read at home? How do you assess? One teacher recently sai… Socratic Seminar Norms How do we build questions? Deep Dive into the Math Shifts In the appendix of the Publishers’ Criteria is the essay, “The Structure is the Standards” written by Phil Daro, William McCallum and Jason Zimba. Below is a list of questions OFSTED may ask your literacy or reading lead, as well as pupils and class teachers. Mathematics OFSTED Inspection – The Deep Dive July 6, 2019 Earlier this week, my school took part in a trial OFSTED inspection as part of getting ready for the new inspection framework in September 2019. What images and movements do you use to convey the sounds, digraphs etc? • How to we promote a love of reading? Deep Dive in to the Whole Curriculum Broad, balanced, structured, quality, intent, implementation, impact, deep dive … there are so many words that come to mind when talking about the new Ofsted Inspection Framework, 2019. Go Back. maths or EYFS) which Ofsted will choose and inform you of prior to the inspection. How do you know? But what exactly can you expect from a ‘deep dive’ and how can you prepare for one? Do you have an outline/plan for this? Deep dive now appears to be undergoing a form of functional shift; in recent years writers have begun to use it as a verb. Are they linked to topics? We’ve delivered over forty Deep Dives in the past 2-years London WC1R 4HQ. The science deep dive resource pack has been written to ensure science subject leaders have everything they need to succeed and excel during a deep dive of their subject, including all of the questions they may be asked along with comprehensive answers. How do you make sure children have a love for reading? Can you show me what they know? Inspectors will look at 7 aspects of early reading, as set out in paragraph 298 of the school inspection handbook , a document which explains what inspectors consider when they look at how well the school teaches children to read from the beginning of Reception. As part of the deep dive into science, Ofsted inspectors will be scrutinising the way in which teachers explain science to their pupils. Make sure to direct the inspector and use it as an opportunity to showcase your curriculum. This will look deeply into a school’s reading provision, which involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact of the subject in … Phonics check – if your results are good, how are you achieving that? ( Log Out / Which children are not at this point? In this 1-hour deep dive discussion, Lily Nichols, RD, CDE and Ayla Barmmer, MS, RD, LDN will tackle these questions and other counseling scenarios you are struggling with. Reading will always be included in a deep dive in primary inspection, but the remaining subjects are decided on an individual basis. “From the buildings in which we live and work, to the cars we drive, or the knives and forks with which we eat, everything we use was designed to create some sort of marriage between form and function 2. History These questions are not set in stone, but are meant to act as a guideline in preparing for an OFSTED visit. Description. This approach is often used for brainstorming product or process development. How do you pick the books that children read? KeyDoc: reading deep dive questions (primary) DOC, 158.5 KB Download. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Using the amazing work of @mrmorgs and @teacherglitter I’ve added to the reading audit with some questions regarding writing. Ofsted are now assessing a school’s quality of education by carrying out ‘deep dives’ into subject areas. How regularly? Square This list is based on questions that Ofsted inspectors have asked subject leads and teachers in 5 primary schools. Oct 21 2019 6th Jan 2020. Some subjects are chosen if they are a priority for development, or even a strength of the school. This list has been created based on what other teachers have shared on Twitter and Facebook of their experiences during inspections. The number of deep dives will depend on the size of the school. Deep-Dive is the name of a technique used to rapidly immerse a group or team into a situation for problem-solving or idea creation. The New Ofsted Education Inspection Framework now includes a ‘Deep Dive’ in reading, and this will form part of every inspection for infant and primary schools. I can’t help it, every time I hear the phrase it conjures up for me an image of an OFSTED inspector, in a rubber swimming hat, goggles and baggy trunks … Continue reading "Preparing for subject specific ‘deep dive’ conversations and observations" Each area will be investigated thoroughly, with evidence collected to really assess the • The inspector will visit phonics lessons. So, if you’re the reading lead, expect to be asked more thorough questions, such as: How is reading … Ofsted deep dives are a key part of the new Ofsted Inspection Framework’s curriculum focus. What are you doing to remedy this? During an Ofsted subject deep dive, inspectors will also undertake two lesson observations each. These are detailed questions inspectors may ask during a reading ‘deep dive’. 10 deep-dive interview questions for your unconventional business Get beyond the 'glimpse' with questions that get at whether applicants will truly immerse themselves into the … How often do you take them home? How often? 9. … Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. What whole school reading policies do you have? ( Log Out / “Absolutely brilliant, I feel so much more informed and energised” Katherine Letts, Director of Science ( Core Leadership Group) , St Laurence School Ofsted Ready Science Teaching : Preparing for a Deep Dive The new Ofsted framework really gives more time to look at areas and subjects in some depth: the now-famous Jacques Cousteau ‘deep dive’. How to answer Amazon "Dive Deep" interview questions Published on June 17, 2019 June 17, 2019 • 20 Likes • 0 Comments Why?
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