paint vs splash silkie

Black or white split to paint is a silkie that comes from a paint breeding (so it carries the paint gene and can produce paint chicks when bred to a paint silkie), but they themselves are a solid color. Paints are created using a dominant white bird. Silkies are a genetic wonder for the breeder as they pose many unusual genetic makeups in their breeding back ground. I have a few bantam hens sitting on newly laid eggs from my Paint Silkie rooster pairings, so am hopeful for even more paints. Splash Silkies are blue and white, or blue with a light blue background. Therefore, all Silkie chicks are sold straight run unless they have started to crow or lay eggs. It could be cuckoo (barred) or mottled (random splashes) or paint. The ABA and APA recognize the Silkies in 8 color varieties; Black, Blue, Buff, Gray, Partridge, Self Blue, Splash and White. There are a few other feather patterns as well. In Australia, silkies tend to be c/c, or recessive white. We raise many different colors of Silkie- White, Black, Blue, Lavender, Splash, Buff, Porcelain, Painted (polka-dot), Cuckoo, Partridge. WHITE SILKIES c/c or I/I on any other colour. Silkie parasites and mites: A really bad mite infestation can kill a bird, or at least weaken it so that it is susceptible to any illness or infection. Probably one of the most popular of the exhibition breeds and certainly one of the best suited for showing, silkies are normally found on championship row of the larger shows, and have a history of being a good ladies exhibit (popular with female exhibitors as opposed to only shown by women!) Answer: Possibly, it depends on how the black is laid out on the white. A Silkie you purchase from KMC will have all the Silkie standards: 5 toes, bearded, a fluffy crest, dark colored skin & blue lobes. In my experience, the mites usually start in the silkie crest. PLUMAGE: Slaty blue and white that has a faint bluish gray tinge. Blue in the feathers in the form of large irregular shaped blobs as distinct from V-shaped ticking. Paints to Blue - Will add diluters into the black spots of the Paints making Paints "look" like blue splash silkies. ^ Deliciously scrumptious petite Silkie eggs. Our silkies are checked at least twice a month for mites, and it is automatic to check for mites every time we handle a silkie. Approved ABA Varieties are known as; Bearded/Non-bearded White, Bearded/Non-bearded Black, Bearded/Non-bearded Buff, Bearded/Non-bearded Blue, Bearded/Non-bearded Splash, Bearded/Non-bearded Gray, Bearded/Non-bearded Partridge, Bearded Self Blue, Bearded White Naked Neck, Bearded Paint. APA Standard Of Perfection for Bearded Silkie 2001 Please don't ask us … The dominant white gene I needs to be introduced from another breed, such as white leghorn. Here is some guidance on exhibiting silkies and the silkie breed standard. Any 'red gene' (Partridge, Red Pyle, Red, Red Buff etc).. into Greys, Blues or Pure Black or Paint - No, they are not "Calico's". Silkies are notoriously hard to sex, even for the experts. We regularly have paint silkie chicks available. And again, most likely, will add the red gene into blue birds. They are created with either two blues, two splash or one splash one blue. Color – Male and Female. Bearded Splash Silkies: DISQUALIFICATIONS: any appearance of rust in plumage. From my Paint Silkie rooster and 6 Silkie hens I have had 9 chicks successfully hatch and only one chick is a Paint. Silkies are recessive white so had to … Question: Splash is a colour type of Silkie , blue splash is black splashes on light grey; Paint is black on white? Paint Silkies can hatch babies that are paint, white (split to paint) or black (split to paint). We are raising silkies in blue, splash, partridge, blue partridge, buff, and white.

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