my ex girlfriend texted me should i text back

You can get so excited and wrapped up about hearing from your ex, you just drop everything you are doing. Notice how I quickly answer her question and immediately jump into finding a way to engage her into a conversation. You put a lot of effort into it. My ex texted me today asking me how I was and what I’ve been up to, with the classic ‘I just wanted to reach out. There could be a number of reasons why an ex texts back. But he may not have truly learned his lesson. Specifically: “Chris, my ex texted me Ha Ha, what does it mean and how do I respond to it?”. You ignore him if you are in No Contact, if youre not then just reply “no”. Ignore your ex if you are happy with someone else, do not entertain someone who made you feel less than your worth. Remember, you are the Ungettable Girl! However, you’re unsure of what to do. We have been in and off for the past month and we have been off for the past 2 weeks. But the reality is that, that doesn’t work, especially not on your ex. When I say Mirroring, I simply mean mirroring your ex’s text to you. Then, a few hours later, he text me a not so nice text, he text, “Not right now…he was in bed watching the game”. I have yet to reply but I want to so bad because of how rude he was. Anyways he hasn’t said anything about meeting to talk about things. So I sent him money and asked him to call me, because I thought he was having some kinda financial crisis as to why he wasn’t talking to me. She emailed me the day after we broke up which was sweet, but unnecessary and then a week later asked if I wanted to go to the cinema with her at which point I said that we couldn't go back to being friends. What’s your advice? For Men: Get Her Back For Good. Now, let’s return to one of the most common types of text messages your ex boyfriend will send you. Now let's say you have already been in contact with your ex-girlfriend after a no contact period and you're ready to move forward. I made it clear to keep the conversation strictly business, but these first thing he does is ask how I’m feeling today…I was short – responded, “Sad. This could be a time where you make one if certain other factors fall into place. You especially need to read and understand how to complete a successful No Contact. Well, I did it because I wanted her to become intrigued and invest a little more than just a “hey” into the series of text messages. like just so stupid. Notice how it’s not the first event to occur. You do not mention that you are blocked you just talk to him about his interests and if any of your common interests. I was blindsided and we hadn’t had a chance to see each other much due to the pandemic. It reinforces to your ex boyfriend that you are a person of value and if he keeps blowing you off, he might just lose you to somebody else. Your feelings will be raw and you will be confused, stunned…all sorts of emotions will flood your mind. My ex and I broke up about 3 weeks ago. You guessed it. It’s funny, no matter how you slice it men are always obsessing about the rules of texting when it comes to an ex. Remember, if he sends you one of these kind of one word text gems during the no contact period, unless you are toward the end of your no contact timeline, then it’s best you ignore him. After 5 years together, he decided we wanted different things in the next couple of years, but didn’t rule out a potential reconciliation in the future. Then l sent him a condolence monetary gift for his friend, and he text me, Thank you, and that losing his friend is sad. I know I messed up, but I told him many times I’ve changed and I’m gonna prove it to him. Make him understand that there are consequences when he doesn’t put effort into his text messages. Two days ago, I told him I needed space from him and I asked him to respect that, to now again implement NC. She is originally from the same area as me and is moving down in July. Well, you’d simply do something like this. You too! This works well in those situations where you believe he will react very poorly if you completely shut down communications without him being aware of why. There’s a lot of emotion in there. My Ex Girlfriend Texted Me, Should I Text Back? Notice how I didn’t go right for the kill by saying, “Wow, I was just thinking about you.” Instead, I included the mind reader bit. Then few days ago he ask me to meet him to get something from him.. Nevertheless, you should know there are certain tricks and ploys your ex boyfriend (or ex girlfriend) might try on you to induce you to respond. Or a double life in a way. Essentially, I have theorized that in order to get your ex girlfriend to agree to take you back you have to create a series of events that push her towards that decision and it just so happens that text messaging is one of those events that has to occur but it isn’t the only event. A few weeks went by, no text, no call. So you need quality time to allow for your body and mind to flush out those stress hormones and recover. Hi Praise, so from the message he has sent it seems he is more open to speaking with you but it is not following program. You want to get her back… Stay true to your plan and focus on your recovery and rebuild your confidence. I replied with what do you want? And he said he was sleep when I called, and busy working doubles and yes he needed more time to think. I don’t want to walk away from all of the energy, time and resources I’ve invested – yet want to protect my heart, sanity and well-being. I am giving you one more lesson. “Oh, that’s completely fine. What does this mean? I don’t know what to do, I’m scared I’m gonna lose him forever and he will move on. Steps that you can follow to have more success in your relationship to get reconciled with an ex, Making a successful and promising contact with your Ex is the first aspect. Take that on the chin and take a step back you are not going to beg him back any more. But there are things you can do to cause your ex to see that he made a mistake. Make sure you read as many articles on this website that apply to your situation. Now, I can go on and on about the no contact rule and the many different important applications that it serves for you when you’re trying to get your ex back and why it’s important to do it. Unfortunately, problems usually arise when you feel desperate to get the communications started up again. So I am going to give you a lot more than just something to watch! It takes so much work to get an ex boyfriend back, so when you get a text message where your ex is basically standing you up, should you act like this…. There is an appropriate way of handling this and doing it with class and a little zinger at the end. The end result you are trying to achieve here is getting her to look and say. We are supposed to spend Xmas and NYE in Japan together which he knew months ago I had paid for and struggled to do so. Instead, it’s by doing something to make her believe that you were thinking about her a little bit. Keep with your NC and do not reply to anything at all for 30 days minimum. So I text him the next morning, asking him how he was feeling, and that I called him to check on him. It’s almost as if you were watching your favorite movie for the first time. Just ignore the text, she's an ex for a reason. If you can get her to think that then you are well on your way. If your ex girlfriend reaches out to you by saying something that isn’t listed here. One of the things you will learn today is not only how to respond to an ex asking how you are doing, but let me give you some answers now on  how to deal with a whole assortment of text message questions he might send you such as: He might indeed miss you a lot, but if you are in the middle of your no contact period, be strong. Just now he sent me a message on Facebook “hay beauty, am not your enemy we don’t have to keep malice” After a month of NC a brief conversation (I reached out), and then another 2 weeks of further NC, we had a long back and forth conversation about light topics. Required fields are marked *. He broke up with me about a month and a half ago and we haven't spoken since. Otherwise here is how you handle these provocative texts you might receive from your ex (just kidding – nothing provocative or creative with these kinds of messages!). Use a little bit of reverse psychology. What really matters is what you like, not what you are like. He replied with smh.. It’s all about the dreaded one word response after you have put your heart and soul into a text message. It its a drag on your recovery chances if you are whining or sounding negative or blaming. Read about being Ungettable. You need to reflect confidence. Hey, I have no clue what to do if my ex girlfriend texts me, Help! Clay Andrews and Mika Terao bring their client’s relationships back from the brink. This is a painful kind of message to get for a lot of women, especially when they put in so much effort. You have to keep working on it, building up the amount of time you spend talking slowly. Well, perhaps your ex does love you. I and my ex boyfriend broke up for 2months nw Now, while this may be a lot for some sites I don’t think that it’s an all encompassing post by any means. How do you respond to a briefer than brief text message conversation started by your ex boyfriend? Whether you're trying to get back an ex boyfriend or girlfriend, the end … No matter what stage of the breakup you might currently be at, author Brian Bold takes your hand, leads you on, and shows you exactly what you should be doing to reverse ANY breakup.. If you made a joke that was going to upset him or hurt him you should have been prepared for his reaction. If he acts this way right after the breakup, then it is best you ignore him in most situations. And your ex boyfriend has some catching up to do to properly woo you over. Then go silent for a several days. One day we decided to meet and He stood me up and told me he can’t make it and didn’t even bothered to give me an explanation about it and after that I pretty much stopped texting him. We both stopped taking to each other for 4 weeks and one day until he wrote ‘Hi, how are you?’ which is a low investment message. Well, so I can update it and list out what I think you should say back to it or even if you should say anything back to it. Why? Lately I don’t know what it is but I’ve been getting so many messages about text messaging. Your girlfriend might have seen your text, but don’t get hung up on the fact that she hasn’t responded yet and texted you back. Don’t respond to his text messages if you have already decided to move on and end the relationship permanently. Never mind that he only texts and doesn’t call you. My ex boyfriend and i have gotten together and broken up twice now. So, if you think of something that isn’t listed here don’t be shy about leaving it in the comments and Amor will answer you and I will come back later and add it to the article. So my boyfriend broke up with me after I talked to other guys but only as friends. He needs to do some chasing to  win you over. You have apologised, you have asked for another chance he has said no. Just avoid answering his message if you suspect he drunk texted you. Why Did My Ex Text Me Back? My ex texted me today asking me how I was and what I’ve been up to, with the classic ‘I just wanted to reach out. So as your relationship was a long time ago I do recommend you read about the being there method, and articles about long term break ups as this will help you understand what it is you need to do to get your ex back. It’s best to treat women who send you messages like this as very shy people because that is essentially what is at the root of the intention. Because having her send this to you is basically an indirect way of having her say. Hi Shelbea, I would suggest that you delete the message without looking at it and just continue with your NC. Also, it is non refundable. He ghosted me again, this time I guess because he was moving and stressed out (still ambiguous and immature). We had a short conversation that flowed very well, and agreed to meet up in person. Fight back those urges to text him because it will make things worse. It probably means he is curious about you. Much more often than not, you and your ex will butt heads. He unblocked me and messaged me on Instagram. Another common situation is one in which the person who got broken up with (you) doesn’t handle the breakup well. Just to make sure we are on same right page, there are certain conditions that should be made before you text him back which I described above. Why? You need to learn about the being there method and understand that if she is pregnant then that is going to be an emotional difficult time for the both of them to deal with. However, before the two of you dated and were getting to know each other every conversation seemed exciting. How can I do that? If you can successfully get all of these events to occur, in the right way, then you have a really good shot of getting your ex girlfriend back. We haven’t spoken to each other since then What if I do, but he doesn’t respond! Actually I’m kind of guilty of that last one. So if you are within the No Contact period, just ignore them. He said, okay. If you are wondering if you should ignore your ex when they reach out while you are in no contact, be sure to watch the video above all the way through and then read this important article below to the end.. We broke up because he didn’t put much effort into the relationship. But im still blocked in facebook and phone. I just had to break up with him since I was not happy even though I loved him. Man, I really miss him. I suppose the only question that remains now is how do you respond to this. Lets pretend that you have completed the no contact rule and almost on que your ex girlfriend texts you, should you reply? 2. Giving him anything more reduces your value. Now, the next day, he text me, “How’s your day?”. I decided to use the good morning text and incorporate it by bridging the gap to a “dream I had.” This text works so well because not only is it interesting but it creates such a curiosity within your ex girlfriend that she just has to find out what you were dreaming about. You want to reinforce to your ex that you are a catch. Written by Dr. George Karanastasis, this best-selling relationship repair manual is known far and wide for one very important thing: lightning-fast results. We spoke for about an hour in person, and I tried to keep keep it light. And recently my ex texted me good morning. Avoid texting him back after the No Contact period if you are unsure if he is the right guy for you. My ex says he loves me but he loves the new girl more, and told me that if that woman is the same as me he will be back. It's a sign she's interested in keeping the lines of communication open, even if she's texting you something as simple as asking for her stuff back. Take the quiz. If you feel like you need more help make sure you read all the way to the end of this article where I discuss a step-by-step system that helps you text your ex, and in many cases win him back! “I miss you so much. The bread crumbs aren’t very nice and it gives one the impression that they want to get back together. What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back? I am hooked and you have helped me tremendously. Only you can know. Don’t give it to him just yet. Well, usually I go into this long winded speech about “mirroring” her behavior to get her to invest a little bit more but I think in this particular circumstance the best way to approach it isn’t by doing that. I didn’t respond back. Can I Prevent My Ex Girlfriend From Being With Someone Else? He might be being polite, nosy, or he’s bored. In the grand scheme of things the rules of texting matter a lot less than you think. Now, let’s pretend that your ex boyfriend, after spending a good amount of time missing you, sends you this text message. I’m going to explain it a bit more when I get to the specific text messages. Hey Lenushca, it will not make him hate you it is going to make him miss the person he knew at the good times. So I started back texting him, but I noticed his responses back where empty. Then he texted me later that afternoon, asking if I was working or not? If your girlfriend is genuinely busy then it’s very likely that she doesn’t want to text you because she knows she will get caught up in a long drawn out conversation with you, and now is not the time to do that. So I called him and he didn’t answer, so I texted him telling him I was confused and concerned and did he need more time to think. It’s a little bold! One of my traits he loved was that I used to talk to him a lot.. I want us to get back together. Work amazingly together and are more successful together than working alone. It probably means he is a bit stir crazy. How can I implement NC when he’s my business partner and my livelihood depends on interacting with him constantly – day and night. So I text him, thanking him for our time together and that I was moving on, and we could maybe be friends down the road. In you ine article I have understood I have to make him miss what he had, be the person he knew and fell for in the beginning. Simply don’t respond to him for a good spell. You were excited to text her, she was excited to text you and out of that excitement attraction was building. Breakups are hard on couples and you will be hurting emotionally and physically. Out of all the text messages that she could send to you I would say that this is the best. I feel he’s trying to get my attention already but it might be just bait. Then again, your ex may be a real swine and is just harassing you with his texts. But he said, bcuz of his friends funeral, he would let me know when. Generally when I am answering this question I am answering it in the context of having an ex wish you a happy birthday during the no contact rule and I think I have made my position on if you should respond pretty darn clear. It doesn’t require you to have a full-blown, face-to … You probably were so invested in the relationship and miss him or her so much, you are just dying to hear what he or she has to say. So in this way, he is using you. I wanted to create something that was really specific on how you should respond when your ex texts messages you in a certain way. Rarely does that happen. This text message works really great because it makes him understand that there are consequences to standing you up. And it could possibly mean she wants to get back with you. Ok Chris, I totally get that but how? But I’ve already done so many videos. Every time I am letting him go he keeps coming back. And you want to know the funny thing. The fact you dont get an apology for his behaviour I would suggest that you no contact and move forward. When you feel angry and resentful. He puts a certain amount of effort into it, if you will. I love this man, but how do I pursue him without looking desperate? Hi Rose, so by the sounds of things its a communication issues youre having in the relationship. So, from this point on I am going to operate under the assumption that you have successfully completed the no contact rule and are transitioning to event two, text messaging. What should I do? If not, then meet these texts with what I describe below as a similar mirrored response. On the contrary, I think that you should aim to always be interested. Ultimately human connection is what we are all craving and if you can find a way to connect with your ex again on many different levels you are going to be in business. What we are shooting for here is to recapture that feeling. Make the conversations about interesting topics to him that he is going to enjoy the conversation, What should I do When someone says be bubbly, have something interesting to say, don’t reply right away, they are just throwing generalities at you, where your situation may require more of tactical approach. We lost our virginity to each other and then he broke up with me because he said he loved me but hates having a girlfriend and blah blah blah. If an emergency has occurred, it is understandable you respond. At 9:30 am, I got my second text from an ex. Dr. Karanastasis shows you exactly what you've … Do you act all cool, calm, actually don't give a damn or do you go into ex girlfriend fear, panic. Why am I in this position to begin with? Focus now on yourself and your female friends. Or if you really, really want to get technical, don’t respond at all. It could happen anytime. I do the no contact he says sorry and he wants me to be happy, and told him i am happy. He responded fine and the conversation moved on, however, it became clear later on that he felt surprised by it. One of my favorite movies to quote is High Fidelity where the protagonist says. Or he could be having a bit of a panic attack and just can’t help himself. I wish I was there. Just please be reminded, before you text your ex, make sure you have gone through a no contact period of time where you have created some space and a communications blackout with your ex. You know, he’ll start a conversation with: Though that last one may not be common. Your ex sends you a desperate texting plea to meet to discuss the break up. Now, I promise you that if you use these texts and strategies, you’ll have a much better chance of getting back together with your girlfriend. The rush of dopamine he was use to getting when you were around is missing. In fact, in some cases, ignoring texts from an ex woman can cause her to give up and quickly try to move on with a new guy so she doesn’t feel the need to text her ex anymore. Consider the difference between how a conversation with your ex girlfriend is going to go right now and how it would go before you were dating. While my brain knows this and tells me to say no, the other part of me still wants him and has hope for us. So instead of a bubbly or silly text reply, you should confidently say something like this: It’s flirting. Here’s my problem, I don’t want to be friends with my ex. You can come of as sounding superficial or as a person who is deluding themselves. Sometimes your guy (or girlfriend) will just test the waters. Hey Emily, in response to him saying you look good just reply “Thanks” dont respond to the break up comment. I was doing so good until his name popped up with a text. So now being short and withdrawn by just responding good, would this not make him hate me for not being the person he knows? But before we get into the details of that, there is an important concept that I need you to understand. What you need to do is mimic everything she does. If so, what do I say? And that’s going to do it for this video of the ex boyfriend recovery YouTube channel! If you say anything negative about your ex, she may go running to him to use it against you. Let’s go over those situations in which you should avoid answering his text messages: So, let’s assume you have done all the things I described above to better your ex recovery chances. This is certainly the case if you are in No Contact. Let’s just get right down to it. If you are an action-taker who wants to get your ex back, Clay and Mika will show you everything you need to know to have a deeper and more profound connection with your ex, so that you both can … How do you even begin to respond to this? My goal is to make sure everyone who asks a question here gets answered. But your mind is probably working overtime trying to figure out how to respond to an ex who is contacting you and apparently might want you back. Hi Emma, even though this went well you have rushed things rather than getting him invested in spending time texting and talking to you. It is really a smart way to go. He puts in minimal effort, you put in no effort. Now,  there are exceptions. In my opinion, as a rule of the thumb, it’s always courteous or polite to respond to all correspondence from an ex you are trying to get back with. I am also missing Xmas and NYE with my family because of him. Well, if you’re not mirroring, you’ll probably respond like this. as you have gone 4 weeks not speaking you could reach out and see what happpens in that time. My ex recently texted me and said that she misses me and I texted her back and said that I missed her too, and she texted me back and said Thank you. I wrote a book called The No Contact Rule which talks about making exceptions. Hi Chris, If you do it sooner, before NC, or after, you are asking for trouble. My boyfriend and I broke up on a bad note. In fact, in many cases, if you text him back like he insists you should, then you are playing right into his hands. Was that a bad move? Actually have pictures to go with it become the best version of yourself and make same... 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