Legal Responses to Deceptive Advertising. Employees do not have an obligation of loyalty to their companies. shareholder interest) is bad. Reading Assignment: 5.2 (pp. a CEO who is unfaithful to their spouse) b) Accusation must be public i.e. motivation for blowing the whistle is not justified. Friedman and Duska would probably agree on whether employees have a duty of loyalty, Consider the view of Friedman with regard to the obligations of, business towards employees and the obligations that employees have when considering, a job and the view of Duska with regard to the obligations that employees owe to, According to Ronald Duska in "Whistle-Blowing and Employee Loyalty,”, people may have an obligation of loyalty to a company but not to a. c. philosophers and business theorists disagree whether corporations are moral agents. You are not obligated to be loyal to the group of people who find themselves at the bar merely in virtue of the fact that you're at the bar as well Loyalty requires a certain kind of relationship: Namely...sacrifice: placing the interests of others ahead of your own with no expectation of reward i.e. Duska is right for non-managerial employees, but loyalty is due for high level employees Contractual Supererogation(above/beyond) Loyality is only due when there is Contractual Supererogation, e.g. Duska is wrong thinking that loyalty and self-interest cannot co-exist. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. "(1404) Argument for the goods … Orlando: FALSE, Argument for shareholder primacy from risk. In 2010, tobacco companies were prohibited from sponsoring athletic, musical, or artistic events, and from featuring their logos on apparel. profit Corporation? CEOs do not have an obligation of loyalty to their stockholders. Question 2 Pursuant to Aristotle's Doctrine of the Mean, a modern business corporation should be socially responsible: a. An act is right in the highest possible amount of pleasure and least possible amount of pain for the greatest amount of people. Three Steps: 1) identify maxim 2) recast it as universal law 3) determine if it still makes sense, Negative- freedom from external constraints, Positive- freedom to...(self-develop, grow, pursue, happiness), He says, "There must be a final good; that for which all human actions aim." According to Duska, whistle-blowing is morally permissible because companies are not. d. None of the above . had the greatest happiness principle- an action is right if and only if it results in the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. b. Commonly held view Motivation for investment Maximize Profit. unconditional structure= always do x, Universal: they are binding for every rational being in every situation always. See Ronald Duska, "Whistleblowing and Employee Loyalty." Ronald Duska argues for which of the following when it comes to employees and the. The "dufy of care" is generally defined (in statutory and common law) as directors required to act: "1) in good faith; 2) in a manner they reasonably believe to be in the best interests of the corporation, and 3) with the care of ordinarily prudent persons in a like position and under similar circumstances [i.e. c. The merger meant the government had only two major contractors. What is the extent of loyalty owed to the employer? Response: 1. Not a commonly held view Investors care about returns, not ... analogous to the motive, since it moves the train. We have no duty to respect rights. The merger meant the two companies could work together. Dissent, Breach of Loyalty, and Accusation, expose what is hidden against the will of the employer, whistleblower necessarily violates loyalty to company/employer when exposing wrong doing, claim that employer is harming/threatening to harm public interest, public disagreement for the sake of public interest A whistleblower must do the following before speaking out: Weigh the costs: effects of speaking out (i.e.
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