ofsted deep dive art questions

The best way to to prepare for an Ofsted Deep Dive is to have thought about the questions inspectors are likely to ask. The intent of the deep dive is to seek to interrogate and establish a coherent evidence base on the quality of education.’ Inspecting the curriculum, Ofsted. An Ofsted deep dive is an in-depth examination of a subject by inspectors. A spokesperson for Ofsted said HMIs have been reminded they could share the documents’ contents with school leaders “but should not leave them with a school”. A spokesperson for Ofsted said the documents were created to help inspectors carry out subject-specific visits in ‘outstanding’ primary schools. What is a Deep Dive? One teacher recently sai… It is vital that any material read in lessons is appropriate and relevant to the exercise or practical activity that students are completing. Put simply, a deep dive is an in-depth look by Ofsted inspectors at specific subjects in a school, based on the most recent Ofsted framework. In terms of a new era of transparency, this is definitely a blow to Ofsted’s trust within its own team members.”. Many middle leaders were asked to explain the ‘journey’ of topics, identifying a starting point and end point and whether the inbetween is carefully sequenced to ensure that all learners are able to achieve the latter. This will help you to prioritise their CPD. Inspectors usually need to talk in more depth about a chosen deep dive subject with the subject leader. Ofsted Briefing 12th September 2019. We have put together a series of questions relating to intent, implementation and impact. It’s therefore really important to support the less confident members of staff. The inspectorate insists the documents are still in development and will not give any school an undue benefit over others, but confirms inspectors have been instructed not to… We are keeping the implementation of the new framework under close review and are especially keen to hear from you if you are in a small school and have had an inspection. “We should also question why these documents, marked ‘confidential’, have been shared by HMIs in a consultancy role. £3.00. . Internal progress data, therefore, must be accurate. Sequencing was another common theme on which many middle leaders were questioned by inspectors. – Knowledge audit tool for curriculum development. The inspectorate insists the documents are still in development and will not give any school an undue benefit over others, but confirms inspectors have been instructed not to leave them in schools. Firstly, any conversation about curriculum, moving away from data and a less ‘high-stakes’ feel about the whole process is of course, welcome. Encouraging such notions is extremely unhelpful.”. We would advise school leaders and teachers not to do anything to prepare for an inspection, If the class is keen to talk about why spotting bias is bad and primary sources are more reliable, the guidance says: “Oh no! Registered office: Swaleside Grange, Green End, Asenby, Thirsk, North Yorkshire YO7 3QX Ready to Simplify Your Remote Classroom? Meeting curriculum and subject leaders. For the ‘timbers’ topic, I asked my year 10s to write a couple of paragraphs on “Oak Furniture Land products do not display the FSC symbol. The lead inspector approached the call with a listening ear. Somewhere a secondary history teacher is screaming in agony. Preparation and Discussion Framework for School Leaders. This list is based on questions that Ofsted inspectors have asked subject leads and teachers in 5 primary schools. As an art ... and that the wait would be over. As the documents were “at an early stage of development and will no doubt change considerably”, the inspectorate has insisted they do not give schools any advantages. What impact does this new process have on workload? Download our list of questions to get the latest insights – they're based on recent inspections under the 2019 framework. This is called a ‘deep dive’ (see question three) by Ofsted – a thorough, detailed investigation. Questions that Ofsted asked a subject leader during a Deep Dive conversation during their recent Ofsted It’s not just about the knowledge and skills that the children retain. Ultimately, successful feedback from inspectors was given to middle leaders where schemes of work demonstrated a clear journey, where students could retain and articulate knowledge and demonstrate skills learnt in the first lesson of the topic until right at the end of it, and where students could articulate the key concepts of the topic they were learning and why they were important. Deep Dives are part of the new Ofsted Framework and it looks like inspectors will select 6 subjects to scrutinise. Be prepared to talk through homework, too: are you setting purposeful tasks that consolidate learning? Both cover in detail what questions inspectors should ask, what responses they should and should not receive and what constitutes good practice. One middle leader was asked about how reading is incorporated into D&T lessons. **HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL** Your Vi Spy Mission: Become a Reading Spy. If Ofsted had conducted its initial research phase adequately, this should have been completed during the pilot development of the framework. Whilst not specific to computing, the indicators offers some insight as to what inspectors will be looking for and allow leaders to begin to assess the quality of computing education they are currently providing. Preparing for Deep Dives is going to be crucial for us as Music Teachers. Aims: To clarify the Ofsted expectations; Give time to exploring the progress within subjects and how this is monitored in school; To be prepared for a ‘deep dive’ line of enquiry The idea is that Ofsted will see how schools operate on a day-to-day basis. which tends to reduce people in the past to the status of violent idiots compared to our wiser selves” should be avoided. The 18-page MFL guidance warns inspectors to look for pupils being taken out of lessons because of interventions in other subjects, or for lessons to be based around increasing vocabulary rather than linguistic complexity. By the end, students are able to make a range of different wood joints but can also apply knowledge of what types of wood joints and finishes are used for different types of products and purposes. ‘Deep Dives’ are clearly going to be a feature of inspections under the revised framework. For example, a year 10 class of mine have completed a topic on ‘timbers’. This information could then determine particular homework tasks, such as a series of GCSE exam style questions about dying techniques. As this has a more detailed focus on the teaching of early reading and how children’s books form part of that process, we have been taking lots of calls from teachers here at Badger Learning. Primary Outstanding Leaders have thought carefully about what pupils should learn in each subject during their time at school. The New Ofsted Education Inspection Framework now includes a ‘Deep Dive’ in reading, and this will form part of every inspection for infant and primary schools. “The stakes of school inspections are incredibly high and we just cannot have any hint of inequity. “We would advise school leaders and teachers not to do anything to prepare for an inspection other than check our inspection handbook and run a good or better school.”, www.schoolsweek.co.uk © Learning & Skills Events Consultancy and Training Limited. Inspectors find these surveys very useful, so please do complete one at any time, not just during inspection. The briefing should be useful to tea… It is, however, important to be … Ofsted deep dive questions. This Ofsted survey report evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of art, craft and design education in schools and colleges in England. What are the pros and cons of the curriculum you follow? It was “rubbish” to suggest otherwise. Two spider diagrams with suggested history themes and topic areas, to help teachers self-assess their existing knowledge in the context of curriculum development. This is done in collaboration with leaders, teachers and pupils. They explained why the artefacts they saw are special to some people, including other pupils in their class, but not to others. It is part of the inspectors requirement to monitor the 3 Is – Intent, Implementation and Impact – of the curriculum. Here are some questions Ofsted inspectors might ask SLT, curriculum leaders and teachers when doing a deep dive into a particular subject: What curriculum do you follow/have in place? If used appropriately, collaborative learning can do wonders for your learners' confidence and engagement, says... Are bubbles making it tricky to offer SEND interventions? Useful for when it comes to your inspection day! Ask the staff to tell you if there are any areas that they are required to teach in science that they are not sure about. During one of my year 7 lessons, for example, students were learning how to tie dye, so we read about the differences between natural and chemical dyes and the processes of dying fabric in industry such as batch and commercial dying. This will give you a chance to tell us how you think your child’s school is doing in its SEND provision. “If Ofsted had conducted its initial research phase adequately, this should have been completed during the pilot development of the framework,” he said. Loading... Save for later . In terms of reducing or increasing workload, the jury is still out. We understand that approaches vary across schools and will take each school’s circumstances into account, including the very smallest. Data was discussed as an informer to the team’s approach, not as the sword of Damocles it has been. So in an interview, you want to be able to answer the “Dive Deep” questions and also the “Bias for Action” questions well, so that you paint a picture of yourself as someone who can make a plan and act on it (I cover how to answer the “Bias to Action” questions in another article). All the questions that were asked and why Ofsted were happy with what was happening. Subject Deep Dives typically take the format below: It’s about your role as subject leader and your knowledge of the entire curriculum for your subject from when pupil start and when they leave the school? The intent of the deep dive is to seek to interrogate and establish a coherent evidence base on quality of education. 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Across the US, a majority of the more than 56 million students... Across the US, a majority of the more than 56 million students enrolled in K-12 schools have attended school remotely either full-time or part-time. Low-stakes testing and recall activities can be used to embed key concepts into students’ long term memory. Stephen Tierney, chair of the Headteachers Roundtable, said the leaked documents were a further example of how ‘outstanding’ schools, often in the least disadvantaged areas, had “always had an inside line” to Ofsted. A good place to start for computing leads is Ofsted’s curriculum indicatorsexpected to be associated with curriculum quality. According to my research, positive feedback has been given to D&T middle leaders who deliver a wide variety of skills and rich knowledge within their curriculum, so that by the end of KS3 students have developed skills in electronics, textiles and computer aided design, and can demonstrate an in depth knowledge of plastics, timbers and ecological and social issues. We have provided you, as the coordinator or the teacher i/c of languages with the all the tools and guidance you require to prepare for a “deep dive” during an Ofsted visit. Intrigued to know what this might mean for design and technology, I asked middle leaders to share some of their experiences of a recent Ofsted inspection – and here are some key points that I picked up. It is part of the inspectors requirement to monitor the 3 Is – Intent, Implementation and Impact – of the curriculum. So along with History, PSHE, Maths and Reading, we braced ourselves. Preparing-for-a-Deep-Dive-in-PE. This can be shown in many different ways within D&T; essentially, when writing schemes of work each lesson should be planned to build on knowledge and skills learned in previous lessons or topics. › Ofsted Music Deep Dive Resources and Information. An Ofsted deep dive is an in-depth examination of a subject by inspectors. School leadership – Who would want be a headteacher right now? It also notes that how knowledge organisers are used “is much more significant than if they exist”. Under the revised framework, inspectors will be focusing in on specific subjects – so Joanna Marshall has been investigating what that might look like for hers... COVID-19 Catch-Up Funding – Sample planning document developed by Bedford Academy. Read more. Creative subjects have definitely felt the squeeze since the EBacc was introduced, with some schools or academies offering D&T lessons once a week in KS3, or using a rotation system where students will have just a few months or weeks of learning a creative subject before moving onto another. The deep dive is not about catching you out or making things difficult. This is a list of questions OFSTED could potentially ask during a reading deep dive. Ofsted has often repeated its stance that schools and other providers do not need to do anything to prepare for inspections, or indeed the deep dive element. This is a written account of what happened during an Ofsted Deep Dive into PE. questions and giving their views. SLT. The briefing draws on information from Ofsted guidance for inspectors, including the School inspection handbook, School inspection update, and Inspecting the curriculum. This... Unsure where to start when it comes to making the best use of your school’s COVID-19 catch-up funding – or indeed the allocation of any other funds awarded at short notice? Make sure your assessment is effective with these expert insights. Ofsted deep dive: The questions inspectors are asking. Preview and details Files included (1) pdf, 1 MB. In order for a school or academy to achieve outstanding, ensuring progress for SEND learners is pivotal and it determines the overall effectiveness of the school. What might this suggest?”; not only did this enable the students to think independently and use key vocabulary, it also opened a discussion for the following lesson about deforestation, biodiversity and environmental impact. Intrigued to know what this might mean for design and technology, I asked middle leaders to share some of their experiences of a recent Ofsted inspection – and here are some key points that I picked up. Questions that Ofsted might ask during reading deep dives. Ofsted Music Deep Dive Resources and Information. “We would urge Ofsted to publish the final versions as soon as possible so that everybody has the same opportunity to view them.”. KeyDoc: reading deep dive questions (primary) DOC, 158.5 KB Download. Another positive change is that we’ve also included a question about pupils with SEND in our updated Ofsted Parent View survey. As part of the deep dive into science, Ofsted inspectors will be scrutinising the way in which teachers explain science to their pupils. Find out what Ofsted inspectors might ask during a science 'deep dive'. Both draft documents outline six focus areas for inspectors, suggested questions to ask, outlines of good practice, and possible responses or findings on the curriculum. 7423341. Ofsted Deep Dive: Maths SLT Preparation and Discussion Framework for School Leaders. This list has been created based on what other teachers have shared on Twitter and Facebook of their experiences during inspections. He said the documents could be an attempt by Ofsted to “reduce variability” in inspections, but asked if they were also needed “because inspectors aren’t sure what they are actually inspecting, because of a lack of subject knowledge and the new methodology.”. Ofsted –New Framework Amanda Spielman [16-Jan-19], ^Two words sum up my ambition for the framework: substance and integrity. Registered in England and Wales. The document also contains an example PE school vision and Curriculum overview map. Ofsted Deep Dive Questions: Preparation And Discussion Framework. Deep dive: then, a ‘deep dive’, which involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of subjects, topics or aspects. Joanna Marshall is subject leader for Design and Technology at The Lancaster Academy, Leicester. . However, Ross Morrison McGill (pictured below), the founder of Teacher Toolkit, said schools judged under the deep-dive process without this guidance were at a “disadvantage”. Stephen Rollett, a curriculum and inspection specialist at the Association of School and College Leaders, said the circulation of the documents was a “problem” as some schools “may have the advantage of seeing them”. It also confirmed the final versions would be published online. Why is your curriculum structured in this way? Ofsted are coming tomorrow! Confidential documents used to train Ofsted inspectors for curriculum “deep-dives” have been leaked to at least one school, prompting fears of unfair advantages under the new framework. But he added they were “works-in-progress and should not be left with any individual school”. Histominoes – the fun way to learn history! Whose History? The level of knowledge assessed can be... Two spider diagrams with suggested history themes and topic areas, to help teachers self-assess their existing knowledge in the context of curriculum development. So let’s prepare for questions you may be asked as the primary languages coordinator, during a “deep dive” in primary language teaching and learning in your school. fsted Deep Dive aths 2 For more free resources and intervention support go to thirdspacelearning.com Contents What’s in this resource? Year One Waterlilies using a template. 22-23 October RE Deep Dive 14. As a curriculum designer and computing leader, what leaps out to me from the indicators are: Curriculum 1c – importance of knowledge progression and concept sequencing 1d … It’s been a challenge... Unsure where to start when it comes to making the best use of your school’s COVID-19 catch-up funding – or indeed the allocation of any other funds awarded at short notice? It includes questions for subject leads, questions around phonics and questions children could be asked. Ofsted are now assessing a school’s quality of education by carrying out ‘deep dives’ into subject areas. It is understood an inspector working as a consultant gave them to a school. Follows the 2019 new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework; Many of the questions apply across other subjects too – not just maths! It says “inviting moral judgment” or teaching history as “caricature . I can’t help it, every time I hear the phrase it conjures up for me an image of an OFSTED inspector, in a rubber swimming hat, goggles and baggy trunks preparing to dive into the depths of murky subject knowledge or the dearth of it. Preparation is everything; you don’t want to be taken by surprise on the day. ‘Deep Dives’ are clearly going to be a feature of inspections under the revised framework. It also seeks to dispel myths about deep dives and provides advice about what teachers and school leaders should do when being inspected and to implement effective practice. Confidential documents used to train Ofsted inspectors for curriculum “deep-dives” have been leaked to at least one school, prompting fears of unfair advantages under the new framework. If your school doesn't have a subject lead, inspectors may put their questions to your headteacher or senior leaders instead. No. 2. Why was this curriculum chosen? It is clear that this will fall on Middle Leaders and they will spend an hour with an inspector. Download the Deep Dive preparation sheet HERE. Schools Week has seen two training documents covering primary school history and modern foreign languages (MFL), which are marked with “official – confidential” on every page. And although shorter and friendly Oftsed reports are already being published, the emerging mood from colleagues working in our primary schools is mixed. For history the 35-page draft guidance includes warnings that the “study of history can easily be lost” within ‘topic’ work. Try VISO MDM for Education, Continuing the reading journey at home or in school Renaissance Learning, 93% of industry without skills to meet 2050 climate targets The Institution of Engineering and Technology - IET, From whiteboards to touchscreens – The tech upgrades needed for classrooms, Reflecting on 2020 and redefining inclusion for all Texthelp. This briefing explains how Ofsted conducts deep dives and how inspectors use evidence from deep dives to form inspection judgements. We start by reading and learning about hardwoods, softwoods, boards and environmental impact, whereas practical work includes wood joints, shaping techniques and wood finishes. Obviously I was less relieved when I heard they would be doing a Deep Dive into Art! Guiding you through questions and lines of enquiry, this workshop will help you feel prepared and ready to articulate your approach with clarity and confidence. How early years play equipment helps with development? It was time to find out if Ofsted had truly responded to HMCI’s call for the inspectorate to be “a force for improvement.” It started well. The phrase ‘deep dive’ is the latest new terminology to come out of OFSTED’s focus on the curriculum and how it is planned and delivered. Send provision might ask during a reading deep dive subject with the subject leader for design and Technology the. Tea… an Ofsted deep dive into PE education inspection framework ; Many of curriculum... Of a subject by inspectors right now to your inspection day to seek to interrogate and establish coherent. Incorporated into D & t lessons both cover in detail what questions inspectors are asking of questions to. Somewhere a secondary history teacher is screaming in agony as “ caricature deep... 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