mycoplasma stealth infection

membrane function and growth, and there is an abundance of cholesterol in the bronchial tubes of the respiratory  ?xml:namespace>  ?xml:namespace>. Imagine. It had lived its entire life in a U.S. military laboratory where it was used as an experimental animal for the development of these diseases. Mycoplasma Genitalium infection According to the epidemiologists, 90% of men and more than 50% of women infected with this infection have no symptoms at all. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis.  ?xml:namespace> Mycoplasmas can turn on the chain reaction called an immune system response. important cause of pneumonia and other airway disorders, such as tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis and asthma.  ?xml:namespace>, Murphy WH, Gullis C, Dabich L, Heyn R, Zarafonetis CJD. My MS Update This is the second anniversary of my long, but wonderful journey with colloidal silver (CS).  ?xml:namespace> AIDS. All of these neurodegenerative systemic diseases are caused by a particle of a bacterial DNA, a mycoplasma, that enters into the cells of living organisms and takes the cells apart, sterol by sterol, leaving scar tissue, and causing all the range of symptoms that you see in people with these diseases. ?xml:namespace>  ?xml:namespace>. Ann Hematol. The Environmental Protection Agency's Poison Control Centre reports no toxicity listing for Colloidal Silver. One explanation is based on the nature of enzyme construction: specific enzymes are required for a given biochemical activity to take place. PS: My friend, also an MS patient is on the IV drip. I did some things on the floor at work, and was able to get up without too much trouble. Acta Paediatr Jpn. Baseman, Joel,, Mycoplasmas: Sophisticated, Reemerging, and Burdened by Their Notoriety, CDC, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol 3, No.1, Feb 1997. Others probably not. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1995;92:10197-201. But they found that if they had mycoplasma at a certain strength, actually ten to the tenth power, it would develop into AIDS, and the person would die from it within a reasonable period of time because it could bypass our natural human defences. Once attached to a host cell, they then begin competing for nutrients inside the host cells. Thus began my long road of decline. 1967 Jul 28; 143 (1):654–663. I learned this would cause the tiny silver particles to break up into even more minute particles. Is Mycoplasma Pneumonia associated with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia? Colloidal Silver, if used sensibly, is completely non-toxic and will not harm the immune system in any way. Alexander FE. Mycoplasmas: molecular biology and pathogenesis. The mycoplasma. Day 21, I am getting out of bed much easier and quicker. Compensation is payable to eligible veterans whose disabilities are due to service." 1-2 weeks and sometimes longer and can vary in intensity. Doing it.  ?xml:namespace>, S-C. Mycoplasmas and AIDS. But you are not looking for maintenance.  ?xml:namespace> While residing in the respiratory tract and lungs, Mycoplasma pneumonia remains an important cause of pneumonia and other airway disorders, such as tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis and asthma.  ?xml:namespace>, If I sit on the floor for any reason, like play with my grandchildren, I must first get on my knees, then on all four’s, then finally I can get up. transformation, chromosomal aberrations, the Gulf War Syndrome, S-C. Mycoplasmas and AIDS. Mycoplasma can also attach to or invade immune system cells, like the very phagocytes (natural killer cells) that are supposed to kill them. A maintenance program is figured at 1 ounce per 100 pounds of body weight. Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) is an important bacterium, causing severe respiratory infection, and arthritis in dairy animals worldwide.This study is based on 50 suckling calves among which 15 showed respiratory distress, lameness and swollen joints and died later. Mycoplasma are bacteria and the smallest known forms of living microbes currently identified by scientists. Pediatr Pulmonol. It linked brucellosis with multiple sclerosis and stated: "Veterans with multiple sclerosis, a kind of creeping paralysis developing to a degree of 10% or more disability within two years after separation from active service may be presumed to be service-connected for disability compensation. When a Or you could take it for granted that you probably have one or more mycoplasma infections, along with Lyme, and decide to treat for it, anyway. ?xml:namespace> It almost feels like they are not attached to me. Yet, scientists still argue over the "chicken or egg first" type of sequence of events. Week 12, I feel like a caterpillar in a cocoon. They also established a research camp in New Guinea in 1942, and experimented upon the Fore Indian tribe, and inoculated them with a minced-up version of the brains of diseased sheep containing the visna virus which causes mad cow disease (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which is known to you as mad cow disease, but which was known to the Fore Indian tribe as kuru). The P1 receptor is also expressed on erythrocytes which can lead to autoantibody agglutination from mycobacteria infection. ?xml:namespace> Pediatr Pulmonol. This is what I call a healing crisis: I would get symptoms of the MS as the virus was dying and the dying pathogen aggravated the nerves, so for 2-4 days I would feel like I was having varying degrees of exacerbation. Dr.-Schwarzbach-Stealth-Infections-and-their-Detection (1) pdf here Armin Schwarzbach PhD Medical doctor and Specialist for Laboratory Medicine Augsburg, Germany AONM Annual Conference London, November 19th 2017 _____ **Comment** Excellent presentation on the following stealth pathogens: Mycoplasma Bartonella Babesia Ehrlichia/Anaplasma Chlamydia pneumoniae … Employing a simple catalytic reduction/oxidation reaction, Colloidal Silver will react with any negative charge presented by the organism's transport or membrane proteins and deactivate them. His research is based upon solid government evidence. Silver cannot be patented. Unfortunately, mycoplasmas didn't become part of the medical school curriculum until the late 1950's when one specific strain was identified and proven to be the cause of atypical pneumonia, and named Mycoplasma pneumonia. 2001 Jan 15;32(2):E31-5. ?xml:namespace> ?xml:namespace>  ?xml:namespace> I must hold on to a wall at all times. The next morning I was able to walk further than I had in years. supplement when taking antibiotics of any kind and best to be taken either 3-4 hours prior to, or after taking the They gave him the choice of a job with the United States army or execution as a war criminal. But the factor that is working in the brucellosis is the mycoplasma. Kyger and Haden suggest "…the possibility that multiple sclerosis might be a central nervous system manifestation of chronic brucellosis". An MRI of the brain of a teenage girl who had chronic fatigue syndrome displayed a great many scars or punctate lesions in the left frontal lobe area where portions of the brain had literally dissolved and had been replaced by scar tissue.  ?xml:namespace> I don’t even think about lifting a heavy container with my right hand. Do not use less than 4. ounces per day. The first connection between Clin Infect Dis. Serrapeptase has a wide role clinically and is perfectly safe to take long term. When a mycoplasma attaches to a host cell, it generates and releases hydrogen peroxide and superoxide radicals which cause oxidative stress and damage to the surrounding tissues. I really should use a cane, but usually I can take my companion’s arm to get to my car. CRYSTALLINE BRUCELLOSIS In a genuine U.S. Senate Study unclassified on February 24, 1977, the title page of this government record reports that George Merck, of the pharmaceutical company, Merck, Sharp and Dohme (which now makes cures for diseases they at one time created), in 1946, reported to the Secretary of War in the United States that his researchers had produced in isolation for the first time, a crystalline bacterial toxin extracted from brucellosis bacteria. The T-wave (the waves are called P, Q, R, S, and the last one is T) is normally a peak, and then the wave levels off and starts with the P-wave again. Silver is not new to MS. Its antibiotic qualities were first investigated in regards to MS during the 1930s. 2001 Jan 15;32(2):E31-5. A report of six cases and review of the literature. The U.S. Public Health Service also closely followed the progress of biological warfare research and development from the very start of the program, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States were working with the military in weaponizing these diseases. ?xml:namespace> Drinking at least two quarts of filtered or distilled Once the mycoplasmas are being controlled by some form of effective natural or chemical antibiotic, re-nourishing  ?xml:namespace>, Next they said, "How about testing it in Canada?" and replacing the nutrients drained from the infected host cells can help speed recovery and reduce symptoms. A report of six cases and review of the literature. have been linked as a cofactor to AIDS pathogenesis and to malignant They are: Catalytic Oxidation; Reaction with Cell Membranes; and Binding with the DNA of disease organisms to prevent unwinding. sold today which can stimulate and support immune function. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors. Research on MS in conjunction with silver then began. They wrote back and said, "It looks like we may have made a mistake. The manufacturing process for Colloidal Silver cannot be patented. malfunction in many different ways and/or die, or can cause DNA mutation of the host cell. When this stealth pathogen hitches a ride to other parts of the body, it is associated with non-pulmonary manifestations, such as blood, skin, joint, central nervous system, liver, pancreas, and cardiovascular syndromes and disorders. The mosquitoes were then let loose in certain communities in the middle of the night so they could determine how many people would become ill with chronic fatigue syndrome, or fibromyalgia, which was the first disease to show. Pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, non-gonococcal urethritis, vaginitis, cervicitis, amnionitis, pyelonephritis, post-partum septicemia, neonatal pneumonia, neonatal conjunctivitis, Reiter's syndrome, peritonitis, wound infections (C-section), low birth weight infants, and premature rupture of membranes. However, certain species of mycoplasma, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Mycoplasma hominis, can penetrate the blood and tissue barrier, especially in individuals with reduced immunity, to cause sinusitis, pneumonia, pelvic inflammatory disease, and kidney infections 3. Diseases, Vol 3, No.1, Feb 1997. Mar;80(3):180-2. 405, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada P3B 4G2. Most are innocuous and do no harm; only four or five are pathogenic. It kills disease-causing organisms very quickly upon contact. AIDS The AIDS pathogen was created out of a brucellosis bacteria mutated with a visna virus; then the toxin was removed as a DNA particle called a mycoplasma. minimum of 6 months and up to two years of antibiotic therapy may be required. Silver, with a valance of plus 2, can replace many metals with a lower or equal valance. Mycoplasmas are able to hide inside the cells of the host (patient) or to attach to the outside of host cells. About 1995 it changed to secondary progressive MS. It is transmitted from person to person by infected respiratory droplets during close contact (coughing and sneezing or by direct contact with objects soiled by these). If you are ill with these diseases, your red blood cells will not be normal donut-shaped blood cells capable of being compressed and squeezed through the capillaries, but will swell up like cherry-filled donuts, which cannot be compressed. (1) Sometimes mycoplasmal infections. He applied for Canada Pension and was turned down because his doctor said it was all in his head and there was no external evidence. These types of protein inhibiting antibiotics will stop the protein adhesion of the mycoplasma to didn't become part of the medical school curriculum until the late 1950's when one specific strain was identified Recently, mycoplasmas ?xml:namespace> the study of fungi - hence "Myco") and it also had a flowing plasma-like structure without a cell wall - hence Dr.Harold Clark, The Intercessor, June 1993, The Road Back Foundation, Delaware OH. Recently, mycoplasmas have been linked as a cofactor to AIDS pathogenesis and to malignant transformation, chromosomal aberrations, the Gulf War Syndrome, and other unexplained and complex illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's disease, and various arthritides. Mycoplasmas can generally be found in the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract. recovery and to minimize the oxidative stress caused by mycoplasmas. He showed me his certificate listing his training in chemical, biological, and radiological warfare. Consequently, it seems very likely it will kill the MS "trigger." Ann.Rev.Microbiol. (ref. Is Mycoplasma Pneumonia associated with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia?  ?xml:namespace>, Lind K. Manifestations and complications of Mycoplasma pneumoniae disease: a review.Yale J Biol Med. mycoplasma may be residing in other fluids and tissues in the body and not the blood (i.e. 1983 In: Maniloff J, McElhaney RN, Finch LR, Baseman JB, editors.  ?xml:namespace>, GULF WAR RESEARCH Smith R,, Neurologic manifestations of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections: diverse spectrum of diseases. It stops the growth of the mycoplasma, and if it is stopped long enough, then the immune system takes over. fog, and extreme fatigue. gingival crevices and respiratory tract, Baseman, Joel,, Mycoplasmas: Sophisticated, Reemerging, and Burdened by Their Notoriety, CDC, Journal of Infectious Intl J Occup Med Immunol Toxicol 1996;5:69-78. One of the most common types of Mycoplasma that affects humans is Mycoplasma pneumoniae. One reason is that although we have known about silver's medical properties for some time, the process of manufacturing a good quality, drinkable silver water was not developed until a few decades ago. Mycoplasmas are able to hide inside the cells of the host (patient) or to attach to the outside of host cells. You may contact Dr. Nicholson at 15162 Triton Lane, Huntington Beach, Ca, 92649-1401, tel 714-903-2900.  ?xml:namespace>  ?xml:namespace>, I drank 2 oz of Silver water twice a day - in the morning & at three PM. I have since had an MRI and it showed that at this time Aug 2001, I no longer had MS. The body undoes the damage itself. (9, 10, 14) It has been found in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis and encephalitis, seizures, I was beginning to use a cane. This disease agent is not a bacteria, and not a virus; it is a mutated form of the brucellosis bacteria, mutated with a visna virus, from which the mycoplasma, is extracted. M.S. Most are innocuous and do no harm; only four or five are pathogenic. regularly in the bone marrow of children with leukemia. mg/day), Azithromycin (250-500 mg/day, and/or Clarithromycin (750-1,000 mg/day) among others. Institute. This disease agent is not a bacteria, and not a virus; it is a mutated form of the brucellosis bacteria, mutated with a visna virus, from which the mycoplasma, is extracted. They can also lay dormant until otherwise activated.  ?xml:namespace>, VI - Testing for the Presence of Mycoplasma in your Body - the Polymerase Chain Reaction Test, Information is not generally available about this agent, because first of all, the mycoplasma is such an infinitely small disease agent. Taylor-Robinson D. Mycoplasmas in rheumatoid arthritis and other human arthritides. That may be excessive, but it has worked for me. Mycoplasma pneumonia as well as at least 7 other mycoplasma species have now been linked as a direct cause or significant co-factor to many chronic diseases including, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, Crohn's Disease, ALS, nongonoccal urethritis, asthma, lupus, infertility, AIDS and certain cancers and leukemia, just to name a few. Employing a simple catalytic reduction/oxidation reaction, Colloidal Silver will react with any negative charge presented by the organism's transport or membrane proteins and deactivate them. I have night paralysis. Third, fourth, fifth IV: Each time I experienced a reverse of some symptoms I had either forgotten about over the last 40 years, or didn’t realize over the years were actually MS symptoms. 5. If there are any, then it will definitely be difficulty and pain when urinating and discharge of fluid …  ?xml:namespace>, If anybody in your family has myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, or Alzheimer's, you can send a blood test to Dr. Les Simpson in New Zealand. Certain people have cells in the lateral ventricles of the brain that have a genetic predisposition to admit the mycoplasma, and it causes the lateral ventricles to deteriorate and die and this leads to multiple sclerosis which will progress until they are totally disabled and frequently die prematurely. P1 is a membrane associated protein that allows adhesion to epithelial cells. While Mycoplasma pneumonia is certainly not the only species causing disease in humans, it makes for a good example of how this stealth pathogen can move out of it's typical environment and into other parts of the body and begin causing other diseases. My legs ached all night. CDC, Journal of Infectious Mycoplasma genitalium was first isolated from the urethral swabs of two symptomatic men with urethritis in 1980. 2001 Mar;80(3):180-2. (7), Mycoplasmas are parasitic in nature and can attach to specific cells without killing the cells and thus their infection process and progress can go undetected. We were handling a bomb filled with brucellosis, only it wasn't brucellosis; it was a brucellosis toxin in crystalline form. I began drinking purified water fortified with Colloidal Silver on March 12,1999, and I have not felt this good in ten years. The fatigue is minimized, also. (According to Sais:), There are three mechanisms of deactivation that silver utilizes to incapacitate disease-causing organisms. The result is water with electrically charged, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. The red cell volume is 16.9 ml per kg of body weight. (13) 4. ?xml:namespace> Week four, the bottom of my feet are tingling, and I could feel whiskers on Mike’s face (a surreal feeling). Ann Hematol. Dr. MacArthur, who was in charge of the research said, "We are developing a new lethal weapon, a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist, and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired." My prognosis was grim. There is actual physical damage to the heart. Depending on the severity of the infection and resulting die-off, these symptoms can last mycoplasmas, and their efficacy eventually depends on an intact host immune system to eliminate the The analysis of one of my clients stated: "This patient was referred for red cell mass study. Several probiotic products are widely available over-the-counter which combine these friendly mycoplasmas. reliable testing method offered today is with a lab test called a PCR test (Polymerase Chain Reaction). Some days I literally dragged my right leg to get to my car.  ?xml:namespace>, Diseases of the gingival crevices and respiratory tract Your doctor may diagnose you with Alzheimer's and he will say, "Golly, we don't know where Alzheimer's comes from. Dr. Donald MacArthur of the Pentagon appearing before a Congressional Committee, June 9, 1969, Department of Defence Appropriations, p.114, 129). It is both a remedy for illness and a preventative treatment. (fructoologosaccharides) to promote growth in the gastrointestinal system. Tully who stated: "Nonetheless, mycoplasmas by themselves can cause acute and You have to know about this. Mycoplasmas are frequently found in the oral and genito-urinary tracts of normal healthy people and are found to infect females four times more often than males, which just happens to be the same incidence rate in rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and other related disorders. are often used against mycoplasma infections. According to the scientific research, there is no bacteria, fungus or virus that silver does not kill. It is both a remedy for illness and a preventative treatment. Mycoplasmas attach to host cells with a tiny arm coated in protein which attaches to the protein coating of host cells. These infections can cause conditions such as glandular fever, Lyme disease or PANDAS (Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus). The most Isolation of Mycoplasma from leukemic and nonleukemia patients. Wear DJ, What I was working on at the time is to now repair the damage. I will have no more IV’s, but I will NEVER stop drinking CS. He has been given an $8 million grant to study 450 Gulf War veterans, because Gulf War illness is caused by the mycoplasma. While Mycoplasma pneumonia is certainly not the only species causing disease in humans, it makes for a good example of how this stealth pathogen can move out of it's typical environment and into other parts of the body and begin causing other diseases. This causes the DNA in the particle to break down. 1 year- 6 months Hydrogen Peroxide Added. attacking itself and/or seemingly healthy cells.  ?xml:namespace>, The Zell yeast provides enzymes that repair the structure and function of the mitochondria of every cell. This is too exciting. Mycoplasmas: molecular biology and BIOWARFARE RESEARCH Between 1942 and the present time, biological warfare research has resulted in a more deadly and infectious form of the mycoplasma. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a very small bacterium in the class Mollicutes. Regardless, many physicians and rheumatologists are treating their arthritis, CFISD, fibromyalgia and other Hawkins,, Association of mycoplasma and human immunodeficiency virus infection: detection of amplified mycoplasma fermentans DNA in blood. ?xml:namespace> They compete with the host cells for these nutrients which can interfere with host cell For more information and references, please refer to The Brucellosis Triangle and The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident by Don Scott and William Scott, both available at Consumer Health Organization. Once it gets into the cell, it can lie there doing nothing sometimes for 10, 20 or 30 years, but if a trauma occurs like an accident, or a vaccination that doesn't take, the mycoplasma can become triggered. I had some knowledge of the great properties of silver, so the idea of CS intrigued me. Mycoplasmas are parasitic in nature because they rely on the nutrients found in host cells including cholesterol, Braz J Med Biol Res. Atomic (nascent) oxygen absorbed onto the surface of silver ions in solution will readily react with the sulfhydryl (-S-H) groups surrounding the surface of bacteria or viruses to remove the hydrogen atoms (as water), causing the sulfur atoms to form an R-S-S-R bond, blocking respiration and causing the bacteria to expire. L-Carnitine, and they were bred in Belleville, Ontario, and the best sources of preformed sterols the... Therapy is working and without a cane to get up the steps are not waiting for approval. 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