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A Crab one day grew disgusted with the sands in which he lived. A Wolf prowling near a village one evening met a Dog. But the Fox had so many plans for escape he could not decide which one to try first. Toad,” he said, “I’ve been told that you cure anything! Why, I have eyes and ears and as many legs as he! “You deserve to be punished severely for your rashness!”, “But, your highness,” replied the trembling Lamb, “do not be angry! At nightfall the Cock, looking for a place to roost, as was his custom, spied nearby a hollow tree that he thought would do very nicely for a night’s lodging. Indeed he he became about three times as big around the middle as he was when he went in. One day he met a pair of Ducks and told them all his trouble. “Do you not see,” replied the old Frog, “that the Bull who is beaten, will be driven away from the good forage up there to the reeds of this marsh, and we shall all be trampled into the mud?”. “I would gladly get them,” said the cunning Monkey, “but you are much more skillful at such things than I am. Once upon a time a Cat and a Monkey lived as pets in the same house. Two Travellers, walking in the noonday sun, sought the shade of a widespreading tree to rest. “Who taught you to divide so fairly?” he asked pleasantly. All regarded him with envy. He pulled the Mouse down under the water and drowned him. But he wants my bacon! He was sure that she, with her long neck and bill, would easily be able to reach the bone and pull it out. The Cattle looked at the Dog in disgust. Long shadows came creeping over the ground. Jasmine wants to win a race with her beloved horse, Madeline. The Tortoise was very glad indeed. At a great meeting of the Animals, who had gathered to elect a new ruler, the Monkey was asked to dance. “Yes, yes,” answered the Stag confidently, “the Wolf has promised to be my surety.”, “The Wolf!” exclaimed the Sheep indignantly. One day the Brass Pot proposed to the Earthen Pot that they go out into the world together. “What a crime,” cried one, “to load up a poor dumb beast like that! It was enough to hang anyone for, much more an Ass. It’s your own appetite you are thinking of, not mine!”. “Spare me!” begged the poor Mouse. There he stood, unwilling to give up a single filbert and yet unable to get them all out at once. The Vain Jackdaw and his Borrowed Feathers, Մայիսի 25- Հունիս 5 – Վիկտորիա Հովհաննիսյան Viktoria Hovhannisyan. Though the task they had to do was very light compared with that of the Oxen, they creaked and groaned at every turn. When the Judge called the case, witnesses declared that they had seen certain winged creatures in the neighborhood of the hollow tree, who hummed loudly, and whose bodies were striped, yellow and black, like Bees. But he could not keep away from that field, for it is hard to resist watching a good meal, even when there is little chance of getting it. “What foolishness,” cried one, “to walk when they might as well ride. Still he kept up a flow of sarcastic talk, just to exercise his wits and to have the fun of disputing. Soon he found life in the pasture very dull. Vexed and disappointed he began to cry. “We know how you would treat us later on, if some strangers should come as we did.”. My favirot fabel is the lion and the mouse. I am quite sure we shall become the closest of friends.”, “I feel highly flattered, kind sir,” replied the Cock slyly. An old Frog living in the marsh, trembled as he watched the fierce battle. But he immediately wrapped it closely around him, and the harder the Wind blew, the tighter he held it to him. In today’s Fitness Friday we have this theatre pro and fitness guru whipping us into shape. These are very good stories, I suggest all schools should have stories Easoap Now her weird “hoo-hoo-hoo-oo-oo” echoes through the quiet wood, and she begins her hunt for the bugs and beetles, frogs and mice she likes so well to eat. Your black stiff quills are not worth having. While they were disputing with much heat and bluster, a Traveler passed along the road wrapped in a cloak. So when they saw the Birds getting the better of it, they were Birds for all there was in it. Even the weakest may find means to avenge a wrong. I do not know the exact spot, but it is there, and you will surely find it. One of them had a very kind and gracious look, but the other was the most fearful monster you can imagine. So, as soon as Mother Goat was out of sight, up he trotted to the door and knocked. Perhaps we may thus obtain forgiveness and cure for all. The Monkey sat up, grave and dignified, on the Dolphin’s back. He listened with a great deal of admiration to the song of the Grasshoppers. G-Unit. “My family is one of the noblest in the city.”, “Indeed,” said the Dolphin. The Ass was so pleased to see the animals running away from him, just as if he were King Lion himself, that he could not keep from expressing his delight by a loud, harsh bray. The Fox immediately had rosy visions of a very delicious breakfast. All those who were so unfortunate as to have horns, began to pack up and move out. “It would take so little to break me,” he said. “Why do you run? A resemblance to the great in some things does not make us great. He tied the Mouse’s leg to his own with a tough reed. What in the world were you doing all last summer?”, “I didn’t have time to store up any food,” whined the Grasshopper; “I was so busy making music that before I knew it the summer was gone.”. “Suppose this city is Rhodes. Without being asked, the Lion placed himself at the head of the feast to do the carving, and, with a great show of fairness, began to count the guests. He soon got his eyes on the Lamb. “Take care!” he cried. Then the Sun began to shine. There was once an Ass whose Master also owned a Lap Dog. “That may be a heap of meal, but it looks to me very much like the Cat. The Dog tried to run away from them. “Perched on the Ass, while that poor boy has to walk.”. A Shepherd, counting his Sheep one day, discovered that a number of them were missing. With each pebble the water rose a little higher until at last it was near enough so he could drink. We are often of greater importance in our own eyes than in the eyes of our neighbor. His limbs could no longer bear him, and the King of Beasts was very pitiful indeed as he lay gasping on the ground, about to die. A Dog, to whom the butcher had thrown a bone, was hurrying home with his prize as fast as he could go. “Well sir,” she said, “if I must stay awake, I am going to settle right down to enjoy your singing.

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